Across the Lawn Virtual Event - April 28, 2022


April 28, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Will you be attending the event?

Measure What Matters: Community‑Based Accountability Systems

What makes a school great? What are parents really looking for in a high-quality school? What do teachers think is most important? What do students want and need?;

Building upon our January 2022 Measure What Matters Conference, our assessment and accountability discussions bring together experts, researchers, policymakers, and communities. Together we ask questions and discuss important issues as we work to develop a system that truly addresses the needs of our most vulnerable students, while also designing a stronger and more innovative school testing and accountability system in the state of Texas.

On April 28, the Raise Your Hand Texas’ Across the Lawn event series will kick off with our first session - Measure What Matters: Community-Based Accountability Systems.

Eric Simpson, Chief Learning Officer at Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA), will be joined by Jeff Burke, Ed.D, Superintendent of Splendora Independent School District, and Jana Reuter, Ed.D, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction at San Angelo ISD, who are part of the Texas Public Accountability Consortium (TPAC), which is facilitated by TASA.

TPAC includes Texas school districts working to build on the success of community-based accountability systems already in use in districts across the state by developing next-generation measures and assessments that would enable wider use of such systems.